Hello Lovelies, so this will be my second post with more of a serious topic... It has been 3 months since I have started blogging and I have been working with some amazing PR companies to help spread the work about Cover Reveals, Release Blitzes, and writing reviews for them. I wanted to share with you my experience from the past few months!

If you missed my FIRST Truth, it is my disclaimer of how I review books. It is always important for you, dear reader, to know what you are getting into by reading my blog, which is what lead up to this post!

First of all, what is the biggest thing that I have learned after blogging for 3 months....

I have learned there are some pretty kick as people out there on the Twitter-verse. I started all of this by setting up a Twitter account to send out recommendations of great books I have read, but then I thought why the hell shouldn’t I create a blog so readers like YOU are able to see some awesome books that are out there and go into more detail about them. If you are interested, you can click HERE and HERE to see my favorite authors of 2018… they were pretty awesome and a good majority of them are available on the lovely Kindle Unlimited plan. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Amazon for creating Kindle Unlimited- my bank account loves you!!!

*Just a touch about my post about my FIRST Truth, which you can find HERE, I am going to reiterate that if I take the time to review a book, it is 9 times out of 10 going to be one that I enjoyed reading, so you will not see any negative reviews on this blog.

Positivism, guys, it’s a real thing!
If I am not a fan of the book, I am not going to review it.
Plain and simple.

Who are my favorite PR Companies to work with?

Keep in mind that I do not know all of the PR companies out there. Most of these were recommended by my Fairy Blogmother- Jodie… she is SUPER kickass and you can finder her on Twitter HERE. Seriously, show this girl some love because she has been so amazing throughout this process for me. I would be lost without her.

BUT… getting to the good stuff…. These are the companies that I love working with and I will explain why later! If I have worked with you and you are not on the list below, please do not feel shunned, these are just the ones that really stick out to me and I work with regularly.

Now what makes these companies fab-tastic to work with?

Guys, this is pretty critical. When doing any post, you want to make sure to have as MUCH information as possible.
Legit,  information legit is key.

So, why do I love these companies:

-Great selection of books- OMG, ALL THE BOOKS!!! I am just freaking excited that I get to read these books and then post MY opinions on them…. 

Image result for gif is this real life

-Some of the companies will send a confirmation email letting me know that I for sure will be doing an event for that book. This let’s me know that I need to double check my calendar making sure I do not double book events. I can get a little carried away sometimes. Those that don’t, it is not a huge deal, I just mark those events as Tentative!

-They send us all of the information that we need to post…. usually even send us HTML code that we could legit just copy and paste. Easy, peasy. I like to be stubborn though and walk on the wild side and do it manually, it is a little more satisfying to me.

Image result for gif wink

-Fast response times. I am SUPER impatient and actually border on getting mad when I have to wait for things. It is not good, not good at all. These companies are pretty darn fast in emailing me back after I email them– which makes me SO happy. If there are any date changes, or anything like that, they will let you know right away.

-I usually receive all of the media for the post in a timely manner usually 2 days beforehand, but even with a day beforehand, I always feel as if I am not rushed. 

These are just a few of the reasons that I adore these PR companies, but I am so happy to be working with them and I look forward to all of the new and exciting books that I will be reading soon! 

<3 Thanks,
Ga Books LoverX