Meet 3 sisters that will touch your heart and soul!

I am going to preface this by saying I started reading these stories with The Stone Brothers and had to go back to the beginning on where it all started and then I re-read them all again. This is a beautiful full collection of 3 amazing sisters that love each other and love fiercely.

Book 1- Purple Orchids

Plot: Gavin and Baylor met way back when in college and easily feel hard and fast for each other. Then BOOM a HUGE misunderstanding happens and they part ways. Fast forward years later and by shear randomness they meet again and open up a can of worms. There is a lot that they have to figure out and sort through. Someone involved was lying, can they trust it wasn’t one of them?

My Thoughts: So freaking sweet and heartbreaking at the same time. I love how it goes back in time to talk about how they met and leads up to the big “BOOM” that separates them.  And when they get together, geez, talk about sexy smexy! The supporting characters are amazing in this, from the total bi-atches to sweet sisters to manly bros.

It is not an easy path for them AT ALL. Just when you think they are gonna be happy and that is it, curve balls galore that break your heart. But you know what, they make you feel and that is exactly what you want from an amazing author. Bravo Samantha!

Book 2- White Lilies

Plot: Skylar Mitchell is all about fun. Fun such as drinking crazy amounts, sexing it up as much as possible, and just plain being irresponsible. What is the best way to stop doing that? She becomes a surrogate mother to help make sure she stays on the wagon and to stop her wanting to be with guys. This decision is going to define the rest of her life when she decides to have her best friends baby, but PLOT twist the baby daddy, Griffin is absolutely edible. What happens when the surrogate mother falls in love with her best friend’s husband/baby daddy?

My Thoughts: I hated Skylar in the beginning of the book, what a selfish bi-atch seriously. She isn’t a bad person, but she wasn’t exactly the best either if you catch my drift. You can see glimpses of that changing and it becomes predominately clear towards the middle and end of the book as well. She feels like a horrible person when she falls in love with her baby daddy while being a surrogate for her best friend and her husband- but there are some outside factors playing in this as well and honestly she isn’t really to blame.

Tragedy strikes and it is AWFUL, like cry your eyes out horrible. Griffin and Skylar get closer because well duh she is carrying his child, so they are kinda tied together. This story is beautiful, devastating, and the true definition of love.

Book 3- Black Roses

Plot: Piper Mitchell is a deeply hurting woman and cannot stay in one place to long, which greatly saddens her family. She told her sister’s that if Skylar ever settled down then she would come back and help plan the wedding, because she was sure that would never happen. Well, hell froze over and she was roped into going home. Mason is just your average jock that is a single dad right? Nope! Not at all! He becomes immediately into Piper wanting to know about her and wanting to help become her home, but it isn’t easy for the girl that had her soul stolen. Will she even be able to stay still?

My Thoughts: Ok, I might start to sound like a broken record after the last 2 books and my thoughts but GEEZ the heart strings and the gut punches that Samantha Christy throws is FREAKING crazy. I absolutely love Piper, she tries SO hard to do what her family wants to be normal and be ok and be there for them, but it is just so hard for her to do so (for good reason as well) and she is ashamed.

After she meets the sexy, get’s his way, single dad jock she starts to let him chink away at her armor. It is a super slow process, but really did you think it would be easy with such a broken girl? No, of course not, and if it was, that would be super light read and not give you the feels. Mason is exactly what Piper needs and seeing her regain her soul was a beautiful thing and I cannot even express how amazing this book was.

PLEASE read these books and then afterwards check out The Stone Brothers.
They are two separate sets but tie in with each other and they are both on Kindle Unlimited, win-win!!

Click HERE for the 3-in-1 Mitchell Sister’s Anthology.
