What happens when an adorably awkward nerd becomes her sun?

Buckle up loves, this book will take you on a roller coaster! I will preface this with the fact this is not my usual read and my first book by Lacey Dailey. I am more into make you blush types of stories with hot steamy sex scenes. There is NO sex in this story, not that it is prudish, it just was not what this story was about, and I freaking LOVED it!!!

Book Blurb via Amazon:

Two years ago, I joined an organization that was so top secret not even the FBI could locate us.
As a hacker, I teetered on the edge of right and wrong every single day, breaking the law to make the world around me a better place.
⠀⠀⠀I knew how dangerous my work at Circuit was. I knew I could get caught one day and wind up behind bars for the rest of my life.
I didn’t care.
And then the packages started to show up on my doorstep. One after another. Never the same gift twice. Never the same day.
I warned my team, tried to get them to prepare for a takedown. They didn’t seem as concerned as I was to learn my identity as Specter had been compromised.
I prepared for everything.
And then Sage Maddison appeared with one of the packages, snow-white hair and eyes filled with fear.
I was not prepared for her.

My Thoughts:

Man oh man, Wren our leading man is so different from the norm, but that makes him no less a hero. He is a computer nerd in all sense of the definition! He spends his time on his butt drinking his Diet Coke and his eyes on his computer all day, every day. When he isn’t “working” he is playing his fav online games. Not that I can blame the guy, I am a huge fan of gaming systems, so power to yah bro!
Wren is adorably awkward and a little socially inept. He might seem a bit boring, but he is anything but.

He lives a double life at war with himself with his true day to day boring job and his second non paying job at Circuit. Only at Circuit can he truly feel as if he has a purpose, which makes perfect sense. They are definitely making the world a better place and practicing White Hat Hacking to put away sadistic twats that don’t deserve to be out in the real world.

Wren starts getting packages that hold goodies and gift cards and it freaks him out a bit because it is addressed to his alter ego Specter, that only a handful of people know about.
Who else knows who he is? Does this put Circuit at risk?

We find out that Sage, our leading lady, is the one leaving these packages. She believes that Circuit is behind helping find her after she was abducted and held against her will for MONTHS. By a twist of luck, she navigates to find Wren aka Specter and wants to thank him and Circuit for what they did for her.

From the very beginning, we see that Sage is a strong character. She feels completely broken not wanting to be touched or talk about what happened to her to her family that just wants her to be alright. You can tell she cares so much about them because the reason she does not want to tell them is to burden them anymore. Its understanding, probably wrong, but it makes sense. She is a sweet, strong, and extremely courageous character who finds peace in being around Wren.

And thus the story unfolds from there. Again, this is not my usually type of story, but I was SUCKED in after just reading the Prologue and wanting to read everything afterwards. The secondary characters *COUGH Ace COUGH* are amazing and bring in some comedic relief when things get a bit heavy. Not gonna lie, I was laughing my butt off with scenes that included Mischief!

Read this story, you will not be sorry.
Besides, its on Kindle Unlimited, so you have no reason not too! 🙂

Click HERE to read it!

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