Welcome back to Corinne Michaels’ Salvation series world!! The first collection of books are NOW AVAILABLE!! THE SALVATION SOCIETY is a collection of books written by various authors, filled with Navy SEALs, strong heroines, CIA operatives, and so much more!!!


Fearless by Chelle Bliss

My Thoughts <3

This was an endearing and interesting book to read! I am new to this world and the author, but I liked the overall story line! The characters were real and you could feel their emotions, which is something I 100% want with my romance books!

All in all, this was a quick and sweet book to read. I did feel as if the chapters cut off a bit abruptly and then the introduction into the next one was a little choppy to me, but other than that I adored the characters and story and thought it was a fun read! 4 outta 5 stars from me!

PS: Thank you to Chelle Bliss and Candi Kane PR for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly!

Seconds by Freya Barker

My Thoughts <3

Want a healthy dose of suspense- you wouldn’t be disappointed when reading this then! There is a huge amount of who-dun-it while an awesome romance is happening. The author wraps you up in the story and characters (which are wonderful) and you can’t help but just follow along the ride.

All in all, I hadn’t read this author before, but I was really impressed with all of it. If you want a romantic suspense that will have you guessing what is going to happen next, you should totally check this out! 4.5 outta 5 stars from me!

PS: Thank you to Freya Barker and Candi Kane PR for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly!

Reformation by Chelle Sloan

My Thoughts <3

Wow, this was the authors debut novel- she did an amazing job and you never would have guessed it!

I have to be honest, I have not actually checked out the original books by Corinne Michaels— shh don’t tell anyone! Let’s just say that it will 100% be rectified because after reading all of these correlated books that is all I want to do now!

Chelle Sloan had a really enjoyable book her. She managed to make a guy that was 100% unlikeable downright human and even someone you could root for. I really enjoyed the characters and how the story flowed unfolded. All in all, this is totally a book you should check out! I give it 4.5 outta 5 stars and will definitely be on the lookout for more books by this author!

PS: Thank you to Chelle Sloan and Candi Kane PR for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly!

Deviated by Esther E. Schmidt

My Thoughts <3

Ohhhhh this was good- like really good! Just thinking about it gave me chills – what a really freaking good story! This is my first book by the author, but it makes me want to delve right in and read her MC books because the ones mentioned make me want to delve right in.

The story draws you in from the very beginning, I was not lost at all that I had not read the previous books in her series and was all in from the beginning. I definitely did not see the twist coming either. AND THE STEAM– omg y’all– like the chemistry is off the freaking charts hot. You are so not ready for Cullen!

All in all, this was an awesome fusion of two separate story lines that work amazing well together and makes you more curious about both origins, major props to the author and I highly recommend you checking it out- 5 stars from me!

PS: Thank you to Esther E Schmidt and Candi Kane PR for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly!

Faithless by Megan Green

My Thoughts <3


This book makes you question your own ideals and judgement, it really had me wondering what I would have thought and if I would have been a judgy-mc-judgerson. It makes me realize that I hope I wouldn’t be because you never really know what people are going through until you are in their head and Shane is the perfect example of this. This man was put through the ringer, but when he then meets someone that might things brighter, how would it ever work out?

All in all this book was just wonderful. It was angsty, emotional, and a really well thought out story. Everything fit perfectly in it’s place and unfolded in a fluid motion. I really enjoyed this book and give it 4.5 outta stars- great job to the author!

PS: Thank you to Megan Green and Candi Kane PR for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly!