
At an early age, Jon Marcus Matthews learned that a life worth living was one of patience, peace, and kindness. His chosen career was supposed to embody those values. It was meant to help people, but lately, it seemed like he saw more and more of humanity’s darkness. So he was tired, so very tired, but oh, was he stubborn. He refused to give up and held onto the good things in this world. They were what allowed him to carry on, except for one thing—love. When it came to love, he hid from it, walked away from it, even tried to deny that it existed, for it caused nothing but pain and destruction. Then Daigon came along, a woman whose strong nature would challenge every belief he held dear.

Wrath didn’t just reside within Daigon—It held her prisoner. The heavy sense of rage crawled around inside her, filling her veins with an overpowering feeling that drowned out the being she once was. Oh, how she missed those days. Days in which she used to be surrounded by so much peace and love that she believed nothing could crack its cradling shell. Until the day her brother pierced through that beautiful, loving light and cast her into darkness. Worse yet, her Father allowed it to happen. Ever since that day, she traveled the world feeling scorned by every male that crossed her path. Men condemned her, so she condemned them until the day she met one male that did the unexpected. He taught her that wrath was not the key to salvation. Love was.

My Thoughts <3

In the previous 4 books it was stated that Dia was the only female Seven Sin, so boy was I excited to get this book! Dia is definitely different than her brothers and was not as far gone as the other Sins. Her connection with Jon Marcus was shown immediately, but it was not acted on as fast as in the other books so I really liked to see the gradual nature of things. There were a LOT of different things happening in this book and I wish I would have gotten just a few more details, but I adored our two main characters.

All in all, Wrath gave us a great story and build up about Dia and Jon Marcus, but I am left feeling a little unfilled. I wanted to see things fleshed out a little more, because not going to lie, I was confused at the end. It still adds to the series and the overall story, but since the author created this great world, I just wanted more!

PS: Thank you to Billie Blue and Wildfire Marketing Solutions for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly.

About the Author

Dark, Contemporary, and Paranormal Romance Author | TBR Hoarder 
“Seeking Light In Darkness. 
To learn more about Billie Blue and her books, visit here!

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