“This story packs a punch in so many ways. It’s steamy, dark and sinfully good.”
- Amazon Review
#1 Innocence
I’m king of the criminal underworld.
I always get what I want.
And she’s my obsession.
Cora is new to the city of sin.
Her innocent blue eyes beg for me to claim her.
But I’m not the billionaire she thinks I am.
There’s a darkness within me.
And Cora is a shining light.
She’s beautiful. A virgin.
I’m ruthless. A beast.
She found me for a reason.
She’ll be my queen.
I’ll give her everything that her heart desires.
Except for one thing.
Her freedom.
She’s mine to keep, and I’m never letting her go.
Note: This is a dark mafia romance with dark and intense sensual scenes. It is the first
in a trilogy.
My Thoughts <3
Whoaaa, talk about plot twist! This book was majorly interesting and kept my attention the entire time, it was a fairly short read, but the darkness from Marcus that Cora enters is jaw dropping!!
#2 Awakening
I wasn’t capable of love. Not until I met Cora.
My angel.
I’ve claimed every inch of her body and I only want more.
I’m a man who craves control, but her power over me is absolute.
She holds my heart in her hands.
She can never find out.
The demons in this city want to destroy her.
It’s my job to protect her innocence. Lock her safe in my high tower.
But I’m the danger that she’s trying to escape.
The ruthless man in her bed.
A demon worse than all the others.
One who cannot save her from himself.
My Thoughts <3
It took me until the beginning of book 2 to realize that this book has Olympian ties, I love how the author named all of the characters so correctly. No spoilers but we continue down the road, learning more about Marcus and Cora’s ‘relationship’ and wondering if they will be able work through everything with SOOOO MUCH stacked behind them.
Side note: Cora is a badass, I totally want to be her when I grow up!!
#3 Queen of the Underworld
The King of the Underworld saved me from the streets, treated me like a princess, and locked me in a tower.
Then he turned into a beast.
There’s a darkness in him, I’ve seen it face to face.
He says I’m his light.
But if our love is going to last I’m going to have to be more than his princess.
I need to become a Queen.
The final chapter in Marcus and Cora’s story.
My Thoughts <3
A really good ending to this trilogy! There was so much more than you can imagine happening in it and a lot of characters were introduced (a little more than I would have liked) but the end result was extremely satisfying to me!
I was pleased with the ending and also how the characters grew and how their character arcs evolve throughout the trilogy. All in all, I enjoyed it and I recommend checking out this trilogy if you want an intriguing story line with an Olympus feel to it and bombs that you were NOT expecting to go down!
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Cora knew she was dreaming.
She stood on the rooftop of a high rise, goosebumps rising on her skin at the glorious view. Beside her stood the man who gave her everything, his face shadowed.
“It’s beautiful.” The city lights glittered like jewels in a black velvet night. The whole world laid at her feet.
“It’s mine,” Marcus told her. “Everything you see belongs to me.”
She wore a red dress and heels with slender straps winding up her legs. Her wrists bore silver cuffs. Her ring flashed red as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Everything?” She leaned against the ledge, striking a pose. The old Cora, country girl Cora would never be so brazen. The old Cora was a sheltered virgin, sweet and naive.
The old Cora was dead.
Marcus’s footsteps echoed as he stalked to her. “Everything.” The lines beside his dark eyes crinkled.
He grasped her hips and lifted her onto the ledge. Giggles escaped as her chest tightened. Before her stood the man she loved. Behind her, a dark expanse. An endless chasm.
“Marcus.” She clutched his broad shoulders. The wind ripped at her garments, tugged her silvery hair.
He caught her wrists and forced her hands back.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” she whispered. Her fingers fluttered. The garnet in her engagement ring caught the light.
Marcus moved closer as if to kiss her. She angled her face towards his—
—and he shoved her off the ledge. Her hands reach for him, her dress streaming around her floating body as Marcus grew further and further away.
The night rose up, surrounded, swallowed her. The city lights swirled, a dizzying kaleidoscope. One by one, the lights went out and Cora tumbled into darkness.
Cora jerked awake. Marcus’s dark head on the pillow beside her’s, the shadows under his eyes lighter with sleep. The sight of him anchored her, grounding her spinning senses, the weightless sensation. If she closed her eyes, she was still falling.
Smoothing her pillow, Cora settled in. In the dark confines of Marcus’s bedroom, she was safe.
Safe from everyone but him.
Stasia Black
Stasia was born in Georgia, grew up in Texas, recently spent a freezing five-year stint in Minnesota, and now is happily planted in sunny California, which she will never, ever leave.
She loves writing, reading, listening to podcasts, and has recently taken up biking after a twenty-year sabbatical (and has the bumps and bruises to prove it). She lives with her own personal cheerleader, aka, her handsome husband, and their teenage son. Wow. Typing that makes her feel old. And writing about herself in the third person makes her feel a little like a nutjob, but ahem! Where were we?
Stasia’s drawn to romantic stories that don’t take the easy way out. She wants to see beneath people’s veneer and poke into their dark places, their twisted motives, and their deepest desires. Basically, she wants to create characters that make readers alternately laugh, cry ugly tears, want to toss their kindles across the room, and then declare they have a new FBB (forever book boyfriend).
Lee Savino
LEE SAVINO is a USA today bestselling author of smexy romance. Smexy, as in “smart and sexy.”
She’s also a mom and a choco-holic. Visit www.leesavino.com to download a free book!
You can find her on Facebook in the Goddess Group (which you totally should join).