Sting by Cindy R. Wilson
Genre: YA Dystopian
Release date: March 3rd 2020
Entangled Teen


They call me the Scorpion because they don’t know who I really am. All they know is that someone is stealing from people with excess to help people with nothing survive another day.

But then a trusted friend reveals who I am―“just” Tessa, “just” a girl―and sends me straight into the arms of the law. All those people I helped…couldn’t help me when I needed it.

In prison, I find an unlikely ally in Pike, who would have been my enemy on the outside. He represents everything I’m against. Luxury. Excess. The world immediately falling for his gorgeous smile. How he ended up in the dirty cell next to mine is a mystery, but he wants out as much as I do. Together, we have a real chance at escape.

With the sting of betrayal still fresh, Pike and I will seek revenge on those who wronged us. But uncovering all their secrets might turn deadly..

My Thoughts <3

Do you like YA dystopian books that are a bit different? If so, you will like Sting. I didn’t even realize that it was a retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo until after I read it. It was an interesting, if not at sometimes odd, read that moved for the most part at a nice and steady pace.

In terms of romance, I am not a huge fan of love triangles, but I liked how Cindy Wilson had everything play out. This was action packed with a captivating story and interesting characters. I was glad that I was able to check out this book and highly recommend it for other YA dystopian romances- 4 outta 5 stars from me!

PS: Thank you to Cindy R. Wilson, Entangled Teen, Netgalley, and YA Bound Book Tours for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly!

About The Author

Cindy lives at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and loves using Colorado towns and cities as inspiration for settings in her stories. She’s the mother of three girls, who provide plenty of fodder for her YA novels. Cindy writes speculative fiction and YA fiction, filled with a healthy dose of romance. You’ll often find her hiking or listening to any number of playlists while she comes up with her next story idea.

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