A sexy, smart, and heart-swooning romance about a girl who has nothing to lose when it comes to flirting with her boss.
This seductive contemporary romance from bestselling authors Meghan Quinn and Sara Ney will keep you on the edge of your seat as you fall in love with the first novel from this dynamic duo.
Dear Mister.. . . no, too formal.
Hey there sweet cheeks. . . no, too forward.
*Clears throat*
To whom it may concern,
Full disclosure; before we move forward with this email, I would like it to be known that I have consumed an adequate amount of alcoholic beverages to intoxicate myself tonight. Three margaritas, two shots, and one beer—because it was free.
I think it’s important to be open and honest with your co-workers, don’t you?
So here I am, being open and honest. Drunk but honest. Or just drunk with lust? You decide.
I have a hopeless, foolish, schoolgirl crush on you when you are the last person on earth I should be falling for. Did you know people around the office call you a sadist? An egomaniac. An insensitive, arrogant prick. But what they don’t know is your bark is worse than your bite. And that bite doesn’t scare me. The fact is, I’d love that bite of yours to nip at my bare skin while we’re both wearing nothing but sheets.
For once I want you to look at me as more than one of your employees.
And as long as we’re being honest, that navy blue suit you wear? With the crisp white shirt? It really makes me want to loosen your tie and show you exactly who’s boss.
My Thoughts
The blurb totally caught my attention with this story and that is what sucked me in. I am usually a slave to KU and have been a bit lax in actually purchasing books- BUT, I am so glad that I purchased this!
You will see with other reviews that there were major formatting/editing issues. I actually did not notice this or have this problem. I was reading it on my Kindle App on my iPhone, don’t know if that made a difference, but it was not an issue for me, and that is usually something that drives me absolutely nuts.
This was an extremely enjoyable read. It was a bit different than what you normally see as in the main story line. I loved that even though it was a “billionaire boss” story, the main lady is tough as nails even if she has a major crush on the boss. Their interactions is absolutely hilarious and I really enjoyed reading it!
I give this book a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars!
About The Authors
Meghan Quinn
Sarah Ney

USA Today Best Selling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Will dance for laughs, won’t eat anything spicy because you asked, but will squeeze boobs in replace of a hug. Grew up in Southern California (Temecula, anyone? Anyone?) lived in New York (the armpit of NY, not the city) and now resides in Colorado with my wife, our son, two dogs, two cats, and my multiple book boyfriends. Loves love, anything romantic, and will die if I ever meet Tom Hanks. Yay, books!
Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.